Digital Badging Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • The emails from and are valid; they are not spam.
  • What is Acclaim? Credly?
  • What is a Digital Badge?
  • How is a Digital Badge useful?
  • How do I manage and share my Badge?
  • How can I attach it to my email signature? To LinkedIn? To all social media? (We recommend a size of 348×348 for your email signature when choosing a size to download).
  • What is the Talent Directory?
  • Why does Acclaim/Credly need access to my LinkedIn Account?
  • The badges are not a requirement for any credential. You can accept them and use them if you wish.
  • One of the primary values of the badge is to allow clients and employers, etc., to verify that you have an active credential. Using it on reports or email cover letters is a great use of a Digital Badge.
  • There is no cost. This is a free service offered to BGC Diplomates.
  • The CIH badges were the first to be issued; other badges are coming shortly.
  • You will continue to receive paper certificates.
  • You will be required to create an account with Credly/Acclaim to accept the badge. Also:
    • Earners are NOT required to opt-in to receive their emails. If you do opt-in and then would like to opt-out later, you can do so from the Settings > Notification section of your account.
    • LinkedIn will not post or like things on your behalf – the messaging from LinkedIn is, admittedly, poor and is pre-determined by LinkedIn.
    • Credly does not do anything with your data on their platform. They do not sell it to other organizations nor do they use it to target you with marketing efforts.
    • Sharing your badge to LinkedIn goes well beyond just posting a photo of the badge. It links back to the badge on Acclaim and is a verifiable record of your credential. This verification will show anyone who clicks on your badge that BGC confirms the status of your credential.

For assistance, please contact us at